Cynthia Powell
Benchmark Realty LLC


Request a Home Tour / Request a Home Valuation 24/7 - Text 615-218-0288

Feeling good about the community you live in can be just as important as selecting the right home.  As a local expert, I can help you find a neighborhood that best suits your needs.  From local restaurants and activities to school information and market trends, see the cities in Middle Tennessee below and go to the market insider tab to explore each neighborhood data.





Serving All Areas of Middle TN

Including but not limited to the below Cities / Zipcodes: 

Antioch  37013

Bellevue  37221

Belle Meade  37205

Brentwood  37027

Columbia  38401

Donelson   37214

Franklin  37064, 37067, 37069, 

Gallatin  37066

Goodlettsville  37072

Greenbrier  37072

Hendersonville  37075

Hermitage  37076

Joelton  37080

Lavergne  37086

Madison  37115

Mt Juliet  37122, 37121

Murfreesboro  37128, 37129, 37130

Nolensville  37135

Pegram  37143

Smyrna  37167

Spring Hill  37179

Springfield   37172

White Bluff  37187

Anywhere in Middle Tennessee - Border to Border

Communities Served

Click on a community to find out more!